This goes for the entirety of the Generation VI Elite Four, in the sense that super-effective move-sets should be plenty enough to get through to Diantha. Naturally, Grass and Electric-types can make quick work of his team.

Siebold is the final member of the Kalos Elite Four and is the only Water-type Elite Four member. On paper, Drasna should be a terrifying and formidable prospect with Dragon-types, but frankly the choice of party doesn't pose enough of a threat. Wikstrom's Steel-types pale in comparison to Steven's but can also punish complacent players, especially with the vastly underrated Aegislash. Malva's Fire-types can be extinguished as long as super-effective weaknesses are exploited and the player has a counter for the devastatingly quick Talonflame. ©2021 Pokémon ©1995-2021 Nintendo, Creatures and GAME FREAK ® and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.In Pokémon X & Y, the Elite Four members only have four Pokémon each, but luckily the Champion Diantha maintains tradition with six.

The Elite Fours level will often rise from anywhere between 15-20 levels depending on the generation, with. We are not affiliated in any way with the corporations mentioned below. Took a Level in Badass: An integrated mechanic, appearing in Fire Red/Leaf Green, Platinum, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Black/White, Black 2/White 2, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and Sun/Moon, which can take quite a few new players off guard. Unova Gym Leaders | Unova Gym Leaders (Challenge Mode) | Elite Four (First Encounter) | Elite Four and Champion (Second Encounter) POKEMON BLACK 2 AND WHITE 2 ELITES (SECOND ENCOUNTER)Īll content © 2002-2021 Psypoke.