The folder where you installed the HOMMĭ:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition) Now, when you know what type of dll you are missing, you should download them from the internet and copy them into 3 folders: On the top of the bookmark "compability" you should see "Launch the tool to solve the problem with compability" - click on itģ b4. On the top you should see bookmarks - "general", "compability", "safety", "details", "previous versions"ģ b3. You should click once again with right button and the lowest position (at the bottom) is "properties" - go thereģ b2.

If you didn't find "solve the problem with compability" on the top of the list, Now it should be written what dll files you are exactly missing.ģ b1. Click on "test the program" by using WIN 8.ģ a6. Click on the first position - program was working with the previous versions of WIN, but now you can't install or launch itģ a5. Click on the second position - solve the problem by yourselfģ a3. Solve the problem with compability (or something like that, I have different language so I have to translate it) - for me it is the 4th position of the top on the listģ a2. On the top of the list you should have something like: Click with right button on HOMM3 2.0.exe or HOMM3Launcher.exeģ a1. Go to the folder where you installed HOMM, for me it is:ĭ:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD EditionĢ. If you still have that problem after updating WIN from 8 to 10, or only after updating 10 - it is propably caused by missing dll files! For me MSVCP110.dll and MSVCR110.dll were missing.ġ.